Consumers and behavioural change

(Energy) consumers are a key focus in many projects. They can lead the energy transition by playing an important role, sometimes even becoming prosumers, and policies that can incite behaviour change related to energy demand are also a component of the equation.


May 2024
Renewables Consumers and behavioural change

How to meaningfully engage the public in energy infrastructure projects

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Feb 2024
Renewables Consumers and behavioural change

Impact assessment of case studies - Assessing the impacts of public engagement in energy infrastructure projects

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Feb 2024
Consumers and behavioural change Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification IEECP

How much energy do behavioural policy measures save? Resources from the BEHAVE conference

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Feb 2024
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Heating and cooling

Closing the H2020 NUDGE project in a final report outlining how we succeeded to explore the efficacy of behavioural nudges for energy efficiency

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Oct 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Flexing the residential energy demand

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Sep 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

What are the new societal trends that will shape our future energy demand and how?

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Jul 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Best practices for reaching out to tenants in the Private Rented Sector (PRS)

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Jul 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Circular buildings: Paving the way to a net-zero industry

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Jun 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy planning and mitigation Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Overview of energy audit obligations across Europe - Comparing energy audit requirements from 6 EU countries

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May 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Efficient and resilient energy system Heating and cooling

A tour in the Northern Italian mountains, to learn more about sustainable biomass use

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May 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Good practices in quantifying split incentives in the private rented sector 

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May 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Heating and cooling

Open access article – Why do people turn down the heat? Applying behavioural theories to assess reductions in space heating and energy consumption in Europe

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Apr 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Energy poverty Renewables

The missing tool in tackling energy poverty: empowering renewable energy communities in the energy crisis mitigation

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Feb 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Renewables

Briefing - Towards energy aware behaviours: how studies on young generations can inform better policy design

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Feb 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Building renovation Smart building and technologies

Open access article - Opportunities for Promoting Healthy Homes and Long-Lasting Energy-Efficient Behaviour among Families with Children in Portugal

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Jan 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Energy demand-side policy needs at European level

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Dec 2022
Energy poverty Implementing energy and climate measures at local level Consumers and behavioural change

Social climate fund and ETS - Overview of ETS2/SCF studies

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Nov 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Building renovation Energy poverty

Energy Poverty Handbook 2022

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Oct 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Report on model developments to simulate sharing economy and new trends in transport

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Oct 2022
Efficient and resilient energy system Consumers and behavioural change Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Report on modeling the interaction of prosumagers and energy markets/ supply side

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Oct 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy communities Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Modeling of prosumagers and energy communities in energy demand models

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Oct 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Recommendations for better design of energy-demand modeling based on policy makers’ needs

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Oct 2022
Efficient and resilient energy system Consumers and behavioural change

Recommendations for better design of energy-demand modeling based on policy makers' needs

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Jun 2022
Efficient and resilient energy system Consumers and behavioural change

SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Investigating the impact of smart energy management system on the residential electricity consumption in Austria

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Jun 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty

Briefing - Alleviating Energy Poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

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Apr 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system

Impact assessment of household-level behavioral interventions via smart-meter data

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Apr 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Identifying New Societal Trends impacting future energy demand

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Mar 2022
Consumers and behavioural change

Report on the 1st newTRENDs Stakeholder Meeting

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Mar 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Assessment of energy demand-side models from the perspective of policy makers' needs at European level

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Mar 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Statistical learning of residential electricity consumption data

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Dec 2021
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system

SCIENTIFIC PAPER - Kreislaufwirtschaft für die Dekarbonisierung des Bausektors – Modellierung ausgewählter Stoffströme und dazugehöriger THG-Emissionen

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Dec 2021
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system

Diagnosis of energy demand-side policy needs at European level

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Dec 2021
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system

Pathways for New Societal Trends and gap analysis for demand models

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Nov 2021
Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty

Tackling energy poverty : learning from experience in 10 European countries

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Aug 2021
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system

SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis

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May 2021
Efficient and resilient energy system Consumers and behavioural change

SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Energy Efficiency Vision 2050: How will new societal trends influence future energy demand in the European countries?

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Jan 2021
Consumers and behavioural change

SCIENTIFIC PAPER- Real-time feedback on electricity consumption: evidence from a field experiment in Italy

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Based on year-long research, including methodologies on literature review, the assessment of 98 cases, interviews with experienced professionals and exchanges with experts, RG...
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Energy poverty / justice tool
ENPOR monitors the dimensions of energy poverty in the PRS through the Energy Poverty Dashboard: an online tool mapping energy poverty in Europe. This energy justice informati...
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Related Projects

September 2023 - February 2026

HORIS A digital OSS empowering renovating homeowners to choose the right measures, professionals and financial support mechanisms

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March 2023 - February 2024

Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure

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January 2023 - December 2026

OptFor-EU Smart decisions for sustainable forest management

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September 2020 - September 2023

StreamSAVE Streamlining Energy Savings Calculations

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September 2020 - October 2023

newTRENDs Recognizing and modeling the influence of new social trends on energy needs demand

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September 2019 - March 2023

Social Watt Connecting obligated parties across Europe to adopt innovative schemes towards energy poverty alleviation

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September 2020 - November 2023

NUDGE Nudging consumers towards energy efficiency through behavioural science

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September 2020 - November 2023

ENPOR Actions to Mitigate Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector

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November 2020 - October 2023

BECoop Unlocking the community energy potential to support the market uptake of bioenergy heating technologies

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