Actions to Mitigate Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector

September 2020 - November 2023

Energy poverty – or vulnerability – is a critical factor for a fair energy transition. It remains at high levels in Europe due to increasing energy costs and slow progress on energy efficiency improvements. Alleviating its impact in the private rented sector (PRS) is a challenge because of the difficulty:

  • to identify and quantify energy-poor households in the sector,
  • to deliver energy efficiency measures to these households due to structural problems like information deficits, split incentives, and more.

ENPOR aimed to overcome both challenges – making energy poverty in the PRS visible (and as far as possible quantifiable) and testing energy efficiency support schemes to address it, identifying energy poor tenants (and respective homeowners) as well as understanding and addressing their needs. 

The ENPOR Horizon 2020 project has reached its successful conclusion after three years of dedicated efforts to address energy poverty in the private rented sector. The project, funded by the European Union, focused on collecting expertise, analysing national policies, and formulating key recommendations to alleviate energy poverty challenges faced by tenants and landlords. – See final project poster, gender work graphics, dashboard information, split incentive tool and press release, and below the recording of the project final event.

ENPOR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 889385.

Project updates

Featured publications

Jul 26, 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Best practices for reaching out to tenants in the Private Rented Sector (PRS)

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May 24, 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Good practices in quantifying split incentives in the private rented sector 

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Nov 16, 2022
Energy poverty

Policy measures to combat energy poverty among low-income household groups in Serbia: a multidisciplinary analysis

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Energy poverty / justice tool
ENPOR monitors the dimensions of energy poverty in the PRS through the Energy Poverty Dashboard: an online tool mapping energy poverty in Europe. This energy justice informati...
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“Split incentives” refer to any situation where the benefits of a transaction do not accrue to the actor who pays for the transaction. In the context of energy efficiency ...
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