South East Energy Agency invites you to the Regio1st National Webinar at 10:00am on Wednesday, 26th June 2024. The Webinar aims to understand the Energy Efficiency First Principle and share best practice implementation of REGIO1st Decision-Support Framework for Local Authorities.
Join us and learn the importance of the energy efficiency first principle in Ireland, and challenges to address.
Speakers: Martin Desgrandchamps, SEEA Regio1st Project Officer, on, ‘Importance of the Energy Efficiency First principle in Ireland and Challenges to Address’. Veronika Jirickova Policy Officer, European Commission, on, ‘Understanding the Energy Efficiency First Principle’. Tim Mandel Fraunhofer ISI , on, ‘A Decision-Support for Regional Authorities’.
This webinar will hold on Zoom. Save the date and share the event with your network. Agenda will be communicated soon.
More info and registrations here