IEECP has joined a group of organizations to contribute to an extensive paper, as evidence review for the ETS2 and SCF impact studies, to feed and support policy making decisions in these times when the EU Parliament, Council and Commission are in trilogues on the EU ETS, CBAM and Social Climate Fund.
The evidence review – overview of ETS2/SCF studies paper, acts as a guide under 13 headline messages on the studies that have been made on the topic- IEECP contributed with its research.
The SCF will be negotiated in final jumbo trilogues 16th-18th December. This documents supports ensuring lawmakers prioritise an SCF that:
- Has a sufficient budget to help households who need it most – this means it must be equal to at least 25% of ETS2 revenues and be complemented with national co-financing
- Comes into force before ETS2
- Will be delivered through transparently and inclusively developed social climate plans
- Excludes investments in fossil fuels: 35 organisations have signed a statement demanding EU lawmakers kick fossil fuels out of the SCF to prevent households having to pay for expensive and polluting fossil fuels for longer
See below some graphics designed by contributing organisations: