Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (EEOS) delivered one third of the cumulative energy savings over 2014-2020 reported by the Member States to the energy savings obligation set in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (former Article 7, now Article 8). They were the policy instrument with the largest share of cumulative savings, before energy and CO2 taxes (17%) and financing schemes and instruments (14%). EEOS therefore represent a major part in the implementation of the energy savings obligation, with 14 Member States having an EEOS in place for the 2021-2030 period.
The Ensmov Plus workshop took place in Paris on 7th December 2023 and provided a unique opportunity to discuss how EEOS are implemented, how they have evolved over time, and the challenges ahead. The workshop had 24 speakers from 8 countries with presentations on recent results and developments in each country, with the viewpoints of public authorities as well as stakeholders.