Together, let’s bring visibility to the crucial first fuel our energy systems need – energy efficiency!
Figures showing the energy mix are major inputs to the debates on energy strategies. In the way these figures are currently built, the contribution of energy efficiency is missing: it remains the ‘hidden fuel’ as pointed by the IEA in 2013.
A few examples about how energy efficiency could be visible in the energy mix exist, but mostly in publications dedicated to energy efficiency (see e.g. IEA, ACEEE, ODYSSEE-MURE).
This policy event aims to discuss why making energy efficiency visible in energy statistics does matter, and what could be the next steps forward.
The discussions will build on the findings of a study done by IEECP and supported by the European Climate Foundation and Knauf Insulation.
- 10.00 Welcome and introduction by Arianna Vitali (Coalition for Energy Savings)
- 10.05 Main findings from the study by Jean-Sébastien Broc (IEECP)
- 10.20 Roundtable 1 – Why making energy efficiency visible does matter
- Paula Pinho, European Commission (Director for Just transition, Consumers, Energy security, Efficiency and Innovation at DG ENER)
- Petros Kokkalis, Member of the European Parliament (The Left – GUE/NGL, Greece)
- Niels Fuglsang, Member of the European Parliament (S&D, Denmark; member of the ITRE committee, rapporteur for the Energy Efficiency Directive recast)
- Dr. Brian Motherway, International Energy Agency (Head of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Inclusive Transitions)
- Petr Holub, Ministry of Environment – Czech Republic (Director General for Climate Protection Section)
- 11.00 Roundtable 2 – What possible steps to go forward
- Marek Sturc (Eurostat): Eurostat’s data on energy consumption and energy efficiency: current key indicators and what’s next!
- Didier Bosseboeuf (ADEME / ODYSSEE-MURE): Making energy efficiency data attractive: a 30-year ODYSSEE
- Bérengère Mesqui and Olivier Ribon (Ministry of Ecological Transition, France): France’s dashboard on energy renovation: another way to make key information visible
- 11.55 Wrap up