Did you know? IEECP is going to eceee summer study as well as the EU Sustainable Energy Week (and Sustainable Energy Days) 2024 with dedicated teams.
The full papers for these presentations will be made available after the events.
Meet us at eceee with (full programme here):
Projects with IEECP speakers
June 11
- 9am – Multi-level governance: involving subnational authorities and other stakeholders in national energy and climate policy making Giulia PIZZINI, Presented by Marine PERRIO, for NECPlatform
- 11am -Climbing a new hill: a review of Member States’ strategies to meet their energy savings obligation for 2021-2030, Jean-Sébastien BROC, for ENSMOV+
June 12
- 9am – Just Energy Transitions in Coal Regions: Innovative Framework for assessing Territorial Just Transition Plans, Marco PERETTO, for JUSTEM
- 10am -Bottom-up initiatives for co-designing energy efficiency policies for energy poverty, Mara Florina OPREA, for ENPOR
- 10am – Investments in energy efficiency measures in the residential sector in Central and Eastern Europe: The EE1st principle in practice!, Vlasis OIKONOMOU, Regio1st/ENEFIRST plus
- 11am -Fostering Energy Efficiency Investments in SMEs: The Multiple Benefits Approach For Energy Audits And Energy Management Systems, Ivan SANGIORGIO for DEESME2050
June 13
- 10am – Creating a multi-insight energy-transport poverty indicator, Samuele LIVRAGHI, for RENOVERTY
- 11.30am – Enhancing EU Energy Efficiency Policy through Heat Pumps on Subscription (HPoS): A Strategy for Mobilizing Private Finance and Optimizing Public Support. Filippos ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, for InEExS
Displays -Tuesday 11 June 15.00–17.00
- Marta Maia: Barriers and strategies in the engagement of SMEs in support and research projects on energy efficiency, for Audit2Measure and DEESME2050
- Filippos Anagnostopoulos: Behavioural measures for energy efficiency: key findings and policy advice from the NUDGE project, for NUDGE
What’s more? Many of projects IEECP is involved in are represented by great partners.
Projects where IEECP is involved with non-IEECP speakers:
June 11
- 9.30am – Integrating Multiple Benefits into the reporting on energy and climate policies – An illustrated conceptualisation, Niklas REINFANDT, Fraunhofer ISI, for SEED MICAT
- 11am – Towards the improvement of the energy poverty and energy efficiency policy implementation framework in rural and suburban areas across Europe, Dimitris PAPANTONIS,UPRC for RENOVERTY
- 11.30am – The impact of nudges on energy consumption: Survey results from Germany and Croatia, Sabine PREUß, Fraunhofer ISI, for NUDGE
- 12.00 – Determinants of behavioural change: Combining insights from digital tools, surveys, and smart meters to understand prosumers’ energy choices, Sabine PELKA, Fraunhofer ISI, for NUDGE
June 12
- 11am – Implementing the energy efficiency first principle in European regions: Insights from the REGIO1st Planning Framework, Tim MANDEL, Fraunhofer ISI, for REGIO1st
June 13
- 10am – A review on Smart Readiness Indicator: Potentialities and challenges on current initiatives, Dimitra TZANI, UPRC, for SRI2MARKET
- 11am – Barriers and drivers in local and regional sustainable energy actions: A review and empirical investigation, Danai Sofia EXINTAVELONI, UPRC, for PROSPECT+
- 12.00 – Gender-blind energy efficiency policy-making in Europe: risks and challenges for the private rented sector, Manon BURBIDGE, University of Manchester, for ENPOR
- 12.00 – Energy Efficiency Synergies in the Dairy Industry, Simone ZANONI, University of Brescia, for BETTED
June 14
- 11.00 – Preparing for a disruptive future: Understanding the impact of new societal trends on future energy demand, Heike BRUGGER, Fraunhofer ISI, for newTRENDs
- 11.00 – Making EU policies fit for sustainable cooling: first reducing the needs by adopting a systemic view, Simon PEZZUTTO for CoolLIFE
- 12.00 – Benefits galore for little savings: Streamlining Multiple Impact Assessments with the MICATool, Frederic BERGER, Fraunhofer ISI, for SEED MICAT
Displays -Tuesday 11 June – Non-IEECPers:
- Antoine Durand, Fraunhofer ISI: Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Early Motor Replacement of Industrial Electric Motors: A Stock Model, Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment Approach, for EU-MORE
- Dimitris Papantonis, UPRC: Towards better energy-efficiency policy implementation and alleviation of energy poverty: Introducing the “ENPOR” tool to quantify implications of the split incentive barrier in the European Union’s Private Rented Sector, for ENPOR
- Diedert Debusscher, ECI: Policy recommendations to accelerate the replacement of old electric motors, for EU-MORE
Meet us also at EUSEW:
Webinar (JUSTEM, SITRANS, RePower the Regions) – May 30, 13:00-15:00 CET, online, Keeping an eye on the transition: are we monitoring our progress?, The upcoming event takes place in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Days (EUSED) and brings together different experts to share their experiences on how progress is monitored in different just transition regions. The LIFE-projects will present tools that can assist decision-makers in understanding transition impacts and monitoring progress.
ePLANET final event (IN-PLAN, Regio1st)) – 10th June 13.00-17.00, Brussels and online – How to accelerate the deployment of Energy Transition to fulfil the 2030 and 2050 Energy Goals
EUSEW (DEESME 2050 and AUDIT2MEASURE) – 11th June, 14h30-16h, Brussels and online. Policy Session: “Paving the way to net-zero energy in industry and small and medium-sized enterprises.”
EUSEW (ODYSSEE MURE, ENSMOV, ENPOR and RENOVERTY) – June 5, 10h-11h30, online. Tackling energy poverty in the context of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
Energy Fair (SRI2Market) – The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) stand will showcase concrete examples of innovative technologies to make buildings smarter.