
Identifying barriers hindering the application of blockchain in the energy sector: new scientific article by InEExS



Energy efficiency business models
Smart building and technologies


A few months ago, the InEExS partner NTUA participated to the 7th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, that was held in Slovenia, in March 2023. The topic of the presentation was a market analysis that resulted in a list of barriers af­fecting the successful application of blockchain technology in the energy sec­tor.

Distributed Ledger Technology, known as blockchain, is an emerging technology that can play an important role in green energy transition. Although blockchain can be applied to a wide range of applications in the energy sector, there is a lack of sound understanding. This paper, now available on the conference website, aims to provide a market anal­ysis with the use of PESTLE and SWOT, resulting in a list of barriers that af­fect the successful application of blockchain technology in the energy sec­tor. The findings could assist related stakeholders, such as energy market ac­tors and policymakers to acquire a clearer view of blockchain use in the en­ergy sector and draw strategies that will overcome the barriers leading to the establishment of this technology in the energy sector.

Read the full paper


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