Smart building and technologies

Smart buildings include key features such as smart HVAC systems that can optimize air conditioning usage or smart lighting that can detect occupancy and shut off lighting when specific rooms or hallways are not in use to reduce energy costs. The Smart readiness indicator (SRI) is a common EU scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings (or building units) to adapt their operation to the needs of the occupant, optimizing energy efficiency and their overall performance, as well as to adapt their operation in reaction to signals from the grid (energy flexibility).


Feb 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Building renovation Smart building and technologies

Open access article - Opportunities for Promoting Healthy Homes and Long-Lasting Energy-Efficient Behaviour among Families with Children in Portugal

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Dec 2022
Energy poverty Smart building and technologies Building renovation Modelling and quantification

Impacts of policies to decarbonize residential buildings on energy poverty in CEE/SEE countries and mitigation strategies – update

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Nov 2022
Building renovation Smart building and technologies Efficient and resilient energy system

Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through buildings electrification

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Jan 2021
Modelling and quantification Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle Smart building and technologies

Report on international experiences with efficiency first

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streamSAVE partners will develop a user-friendly online platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge ...
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Financing tool
A next generation energy efficiency meter named eensight was created by SENSEI. The eensight tool is base...
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