Project objectives
OBJECTIVE 1: Support the targeted EU Member States (Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Spain) on introducing the SRI into their national regulation
SRI2MARKET will produce recommendations for each of the targeted Member States on: (a) integrating the SRI into the current national regulatory framework for buildings (including performance requirements and building certification schemes), (b) evaluating whether the default SRI calculation methodology is appropriate or whether adaptations are required, and (c) using the SRI as an effective policy instrument to achieve the national energy and climate policy goals.
OBJECTIVE 2: Propose public funding schemes to finance SRI upgrades in buildings
The project will set up and fuel – through evidence-based proposals – a stakeholder dialogue process with key national power market stakeholders (regulatory agencies, energy agencies, system operators) so as to jointly define how improvements in SRI rating should be compensated in order to provide the appropriate incentives to the building renovation market. The goal is to incentive energy efficiency
measures that can help phase out old polluting power generation plants that exist only for serving peak demand, and/or mitigate the need for additional power generation capacity that is non-economically viable.
OBJECTIVE 3: Develop tools to guide SRI assessors and streamline building assessments
The tools are collectively referred to as the “SRI2MARKET Tool Suite”, and they will all be accessible through a unifying, multilingual web portal.
OBJECTIVE 4: Provide training to EPC assessors on the SRI and the methodology of its calculation
The SRI2MARKET will offer e-learning lessons on the SRI and its assessment methodology. The learning materials will be developed originally in the English language and, then, translated into native project partner languages by each project partner.
OBJECTIVE 5: Set up SRI pilots at national level so as to identify best practices for SRI assessments
The strategy of SRI2MARKET is to connect the users of the e-learning service with building owners that want indicative buildings of their portfolio assessed.
OBJECTIVE 6: Provide recommendations to building owners and facility managers on cost-effective SRI upgrades
SRI2MARKET will develop and disseminate recommendations to guide building owners in selecting automation capabilities that best fit their buildings. The recommendations will be based on a series of use cases that will: (a) present practical examples of how specific technology upgrades in different types of technical in-building systems are translated into improvements in the SRI rating, and (b) what can be achieved, in terms of energy savings and demand flexibility, by upgrading the SRI of different technology packages.
1200 pilots will be implemented in liaison with the relevant authorities and organisations at National level in Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal, and Spain.
SRI2MARKET pilots serve three objectives:
- to test the SRI assessment process under real life conditions
- to evaluate how well the e-learning material supports SRI assessments in practice and collect practical information on the possible needs of the SRI assessors
- to fuel the interest of the national market actors in the SRI instrument

Co-funded by the European Union under project ID 101077280. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.