Building renovation

Building renovation is embedded into several EU directives as a means to achieve the EU climate and energy targets, having a key role both for climate mitigation and adaptation, and the topic of several projects IEECP is working on.


Mar 2024
Building renovation Energy poverty Energy performance certificates

Updating the energy poverty and energy efficiency framework in rural areas across the EU

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Mar 2024
Building renovation Energy efficiency financing

‘Second wave’ of DigiBUILD AI-based data-driven services for the built environment

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Feb 2024
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Heating and cooling

Closing the H2020 NUDGE project in a final report outlining how we succeeded to explore the efficacy of behavioural nudges for energy efficiency

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Nov 2023
Building renovation Efficient and resilient energy system Modelling and quantification Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Make Energy Efficiency Visible in the Energy Mix

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Aug 2023
Building renovation Energy poverty

Decarbonisation Policies in the Residential Sector and Energy Poverty: Mitigation Strategies and Impacts in Central and Southern Eastern Europe

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Jul 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Best practices for reaching out to tenants in the Private Rented Sector (PRS)

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May 2023
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy poverty Heating and cooling Renewables

Good practices in quantifying split incentives in the private rented sector 

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May 2023
Building renovation Heating and cooling Modelling and quantification Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Cost-benefit Analyses of Investments in the Energy Saving Measures of the Residential Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

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Feb 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Building renovation Smart building and technologies

Open access article - Opportunities for Promoting Healthy Homes and Long-Lasting Energy-Efficient Behaviour among Families with Children in Portugal

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Dec 2022
Energy poverty Smart building and technologies Building renovation Modelling and quantification

Impacts of policies to decarbonize residential buildings on energy poverty in CEE/SEE countries and mitigation strategies – update

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Dec 2022
Building renovation Energy poverty Modelling and quantification

Policies to decarbonise residential buildings in Central, Eastern and Southern EU: impact on energy poverty and mitigation strategies

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Nov 2022
Building renovation Smart building and technologies Efficient and resilient energy system

Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through buildings electrification

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Nov 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Building renovation Energy poverty

Energy Poverty Handbook 2022

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“Split incentives” refer to any situation where the benefits of a transaction do not accrue to the actor who pays for the transaction. In the context of energy efficiency ...
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Financing tool
A next generation energy efficiency meter named eensight was created by SENSEI. The eensight tool is base...
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Related Projects

September 2023 - February 2026

HORIS A digital OSS empowering renovating homeowners to choose the right measures, professionals and financial support mechanisms

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June 2022 - June 2025

DigiBUILD High-Quality Data-Driven Services for a Digital Built Environment towards a Climate-Neutral Building Stock

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September 2022 - August 2025

Fortesie Design, demonstrate, validate and replicate innovative renovation packages in the building industry

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November 2022 - October 2025

CoolLIFE Driving a sustainable future in space cooling

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January 2023 - December 2025

ENERGATE Energy Efficiency Aggregation platform for Sustainable Investments

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November 2022 - November 2025

SRI2MARKET Inspiring action to roll out SRI across Europe

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November 2022 - October 2025

AUDIT-TO-MEASURE Getting things done after energy audits

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September 2020 - November 2023

NUDGE Nudging consumers towards energy efficiency through behavioural science

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September 2019 - February 2023

SENSEI Pay-for-performance to drive energy efficiency in Europe

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November 2022 - October 2025

RENOVERTY Home Renovation Roadmaps to Address Energy Poverty in Vulnerable Rural Districts

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