Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs

Improving energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to reduce energy-related emissions, improve economic competitiveness and increase energy security. Energy efficiency for the industry and SMEs have a set of benefits, further than economical, that many projects have been showcasing. Accelerating the implementation of energy measures, audits and management systems (EMAS) by the industry and SMEs is therefore key not only for them but to reach the EU energy targets.


Jun 2024
IEECP Energy poverty Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs

Discussion paper - What determinants of micro-enterprises influence their energy vulnerability?

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Apr 2024
Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs

DEESME's Final Project Results

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May 2023
Energy efficiency financing Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs Energy efficiency business models Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

The SENSEI Project Final Report | Advancements and lessons learned from the first Horizon 2020 project to support the introduction of energy efficiency Pay-for-Performance programmes in Europe

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Feb 2023
Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs

Briefing (and video) - The Benefits of Energy Efficiency Projects for SMEs

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Jul 2022
Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs Energy performance certificates Heating and cooling Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Briefing - Towards more energy efficient companies - focus on various industry sectors

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Interested in rising your skills on industrial refrigeration energy efficiency by e-learning? ICCEE aimed at turning energy efficiency opportunities of food and beverage compa...
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The Industry Informative Network (IIN) is a platform for stakeholder exchange, fostering the link between various market stakeholders and b...
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AUDIT-TO-MEASURE Getting things done after energy audits

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DEESME 2050 Developing Energy Efficiency Projects in SMEs for European 2050 targets

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ICCEE Improving cold chain energy efficiency

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