Improving cold chain energy efficiency

September 2019 - August 2022

The ICCEE project (2019-2022) facilitated the food and beverage sector cold chains to undertake energy efficiency measures after carrying out supply chain energy assessments / audits. Why focus on the cold chains of the sector? Because of its significant stages (refrigerated transport, processing and storage) with large energy saving potential.

The project followed a holistic approach, shifting from a single company perspective to the chain assessment, which led to increased opportunities for energy efficiency measures.

Through expert analytical tools and dedicated stakeholder capacity building programmes, the project accelerated turning energy efficiency opportunities into actual investments, with a special focus on supply chains involving European small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Project updates

Featured publications

Jul 06, 2022
Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs Energy performance certificates Heating and cooling Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Briefing - Towards more energy efficient companies - focus on various industry sectors

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Interested in rising your skills on industrial refrigeration energy efficiency by e-learning? ICCEE aimed at turning energy efficiency opportunities of food and beverage compa...

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The Industry Informative Network (IIN) is a platform for stakeholder exchange, fostering the link between various market stakeholders and b...

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