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Modelling and quantification are key tools that can be used to support strategic decision making, refining of policies and support scenario designs and analyses for the long-term development of energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions for various sectors at EU and MS level. Performing simulation-backed analysis of policy strategies can be helpful to refine them, for instance to reduce energy poverty levels and improve household energy efficiency among low-income groups.
streamSAVE partners will develop a user-friendly online platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences among stakeholders.
The platform provides all stakeholders with access to a community of experts and resources to better implement energy savings calculation methodologies.
The streamSAVE platform will become a central point for experts searching for information and their peers on Priority Actions.
A next generation energy efficiency meter named eensight was created by SENSEI. The eensight tool is based on machine learning and will contribute to the much-needed advancement of the automated measurement and verification (M&V) methods for portfolios of buildings’ energy efficiency and provide essential insights for investors, legislators, building owners and energy companies to realise their goals. eensight is essentially an automated meter for energy savings. A key ingredient for the digitalisation of the energy efficiency-related activities.
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