Energy communities

Renewable Energy Communities or Citizens Energy Communities (CECs), often referred to as RESCoops, are voluntary and open groups of neighbouring individuals cooperating with, as primary purpose, to provide environmental, economic or social community benefits to its members rather than generate financial profits.


Feb 2024
Building renovation Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Heating and cooling

Closing the H2020 NUDGE project in a final report outlining how we succeeded to explore the efficacy of behavioural nudges for energy efficiency

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Nov 2023
Energy communities Capacity building Implementing energy and climate measures at local level

Report and factsheet - Drivers and barriers of public engagement in energy infrastructure

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May 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Efficient and resilient energy system Heating and cooling

A tour in the Northern Italian mountains, to learn more about sustainable biomass use

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Apr 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Energy poverty Renewables

The missing tool in tackling energy poverty: empowering renewable energy communities in the energy crisis mitigation

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Feb 2023
Consumers and behavioural change Energy communities Renewables

Briefing - Towards energy aware behaviours: how studies on young generations can inform better policy design

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Jan 2023
Energy communities Heating and cooling Renewables

Briefing - More women in renewables and energy communities: safeguarding an enabling policy framework

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Oct 2022
Consumers and behavioural change Efficient and resilient energy system Energy communities Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification

Modeling of prosumagers and energy communities in energy demand models

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Nov 2021
Energy communities Energy efficiency business models

A Business Model Fast Track on Energy Communities—Key Lessons Learned from H2020 EU Projects

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Based on year-long research, including methodologies on literature review, the assessment of 98 cases, interviews with experienced professionals and exchanges with experts, RG...
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Self-assessment tool
Earlier studies realised by BECoop, a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, showed that the knowledge and acceptance of biofuel varies from region to region in...
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Developed by CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico, this online repository gathers in a single place existing open-source tools useful for the energy communities and bioenergy sectors...
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The tool aims to develop community bioenergy projects (connecting multiple biomass providers, organise billing, etc.) and defining the required services and activities for sup...
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Related Projects

September 2020 - November 2023

NUDGE Nudging consumers towards energy efficiency through behavioural science

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October 2022 - March 2025

Odyssee-Mure FIT-FOR-55 A decision-support tool for energy efficiency policy evaluation

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November 2020 - October 2023

BECoop Unlocking the community energy potential to support the market uptake of bioenergy heating technologies

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