Capacity buildingClimate planning, adaptation and resilienceEnergy planning and mitigationImplementing energy and climate measures at local level
Report on Survey Results and Documentation of the Full Survey Database to support local and regional authorities in crafting effective energy transition strategies
Energy governanceClimate planning, adaptation and resilience
Multilevel governance in the EU energy and climate policy: why national governments should continue to invest in it after the submission of the final updated NECPs
Implementing energy and climate measures at local levelModelling and quantificationMultiple benefits and the Efficiency First principleEnergy governance
A tool built around its users: the MICATool co-design process
Consumers and behavioural changeEfficient and resilient energy systemEnergy planning and mitigationEnergy savings obligation, monitoring and verification
Overview of energy audit obligations across Europe - Comparing energy audit requirements from 6 EU countries
Capacity buildingClimate planning, adaptation and resilienceEnergy governanceEnergy planning and mitigationImplementing energy and climate measures at local level
Multi-Level Governance in EU Energy and Climate Policy– First findings from NECPlatform
Energy efficiency financingEnergy efficiency in industry and SMEsEnergy efficiency business modelsEnergy savings obligation, monitoring and verification
The SENSEI Project Final Report | Advancements and lessons learned from the first Horizon 2020 project to support the introduction of energy efficiency Pay-for-Performance programmes in Europe
Capacity buildingClimate planning, adaptation and resilienceEnergy governanceEnergy planning and mitigationImplementing energy and climate measures at local level
Good practices of multi-governance initiatives across EU and further
Consumers and behavioural changeEfficient and resilient energy systemHeating and cooling
Open access article – Why do people turn down the heat? Applying behavioural theories to assess reductions in space heating and energy consumption in Europe
SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Mitigation options for decarbonization of the non-metallic minerals industry and their impacts on costs, energy consumption and GHG emissions in the EU - Systematic literature review
Consumers and behavioural changeEfficient and resilient energy system
SCIENTIFIC PAPER - Kreislaufwirtschaft für die Dekarbonisierung des Bausektors – Modellierung ausgewählter Stoffströme und dazugehöriger THG-Emissionen