Member States are compelled to define policy measures to meet the energy savings obligation set in article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED): these snapshots present an overview of the policy mix used by different European countries, reporting to Article 7 for the obligation period 2014-2020.
While Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes set an obligation on energy companies to achieve energy savings targets with the goal to boost energy efficiency services, they can opt for alternative (or complementary) measures and mechanisms (regulation / standards, taxation schemes, energy efficiency funds, and more). The description of each country includes a focus on one policy measure, an overview of the policy mix, cost and benefits of the measures and interviews with national experts, offering a direct feedback about recent changes and lessons learned.
12 Member States, as of end 2019, had chosen to answer the article 7 obligation with alternative measures alone. (MS who have chosen to implement EEOS or EEOS and alternative measures combined are presented in a secondary report available here).
Access the alternative measures snapshots on the ENSMOV website
A map provides an overview of the choices made by Member States to answer Article 7 for the obligation period 2014-2020:
- using an EEOS alone (4 Member States): Denmark, France, Luxembourg and Poland;
- combining an EEOS and Alternative Measures (12 Member States): Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and the UK; or
- using Alternative Measures alone (i.e. without an EEOS) (12 Member States, in green in the map below): Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden.