Filippos is Senior expert at IEECP, involved as a scientific and technical coordinator in the delivery of EU-funded research projects. Prior to joining IEECP, Filippos held the positions of Senior Consultant at EY, Research Associate at BPIE, and MEP Αssistant at the European Parliament. His expertise rests with the design, implementation and evaluation of climate and energy policies, more specifically with energy efficiency in the buildings sector, as well as climate adaptation. He holds a M.Sc. in Sustainable Development from the Utrecht University, and a degree in Environmental Sciences.
Energy efficiency financingEnergy efficiency in industry and SMEsEnergy efficiency business modelsEnergy savings obligation, monitoring and verification
The SENSEI Project Final Report | Advancements and lessons learned from the first Horizon 2020 project to support the introduction of energy efficiency Pay-for-Performance programmes in Europe
Consumers and behavioural changeEfficient and resilient energy systemHeating and cooling
Open access article – Why do people turn down the heat? Applying behavioural theories to assess reductions in space heating and energy consumption in Europe