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Indri works with research and EU-funded projects at IEECP, her main focus is climate adaptation and mitigation, action planning, and resilience. She has theoretical knowledge in the fields of urban design, place-based action planning, and economic and environmental resilience. In her previous work, Indri was involved in the management and implementation of the master programmes where she taught quantitative research skills, governance, urban complexity, sustainability resilience, and several tailored-made-trainings (TMTs) funded by Nuffic as well as the Horizon project namely SCORE. She supported the first-year development in the management of coastal city living lab co-design, implementation, evaluation framework and lessons learned related to EBA. Additionally, her work experience in C40 Cities gained her interest in climate adaptation and has complemented her strong interpersonal skills to engage professionally with member cities in different seniority levels of urban professionals.
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