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Capacity-Building Programme for cities and regions
Building on the success of the Horizon 2020 project PROSPECT, PROSPECT+ continues to enable regional & local authorities across Europe to finance and implement their sustainable energy action plans with innovative financing schemes.
Navigate the SYNERGISE+ tool!
PROSPECT+ and IEECP developed a new powerful tool: SYNERGISE+. An innovative and practical Excel-based tool designed to help decision-makers prioritize actions from Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), the tool helps in aligning local goals and preferences with climate resilience objectives. SYNERGISE+ facilitates qualitative analysis of mitigation and adaptation actions with the information cities already have on all the actions. There is also a guide providing a framework for objective decision-making, involving stakeholders, and understanding various alternatives and benefits. Together, the tool and the guide empower cities to make, and effectively implement, informed decisions.