The EU-MORE project aims at capturing the benefits of accelerating the rate of replacement of old inefficient motors through the development of new policies and the appropriate tools for projection, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of those policies.
Key objectives:
- Assess past and current practices in the promotion of energy efficient electric motors and motor system and propose specific policies aimed at improving the uptake of high energy efficiency motors to assist member states in meeting their energy efficiency targets.
- Develop a model for the analysis of the impact of existing and new policies for electric motors, gather data to feed the model, and analyse different scenarios of policy implementation and their outcomes in terms of energy savings and abatement of GHG.
- Accelerate the penetration rate of energy efficient motors by introducing appropriate policies and ensure that motor renovation is also accompanied by linked energy-efficiency measures: proper motor sizing, including speed variation and digital technologies.
- Promote circularity of recyclable, high value materials used in motor manufacturing ensuring that motor renovation programs developed will contribute to EU circular economy goals.
WP1 involves project management and coordination.
WP2 will develop policies based on an analysis of past experiences, identifying their impact, barriers and best practices.
All activities will be developed around a peer-to-peer dialogue among stakeholders, structured and organized in the knowledge exchange platform WP3.
WP4 will develop tools for the calculation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of policy results.
WP5 covers project communication and dissemination.
and WP6 includes the projects Sustainability, Replication and Exploitation of results.