
Supporting and engaging SMEs in the energy transition: an EUSEW and eceee wrap up.



Energy efficiency in industry and SMEs


June was busy for the DEESME 2050 project!

We had the pleasure to attend EUSEW and eceee to present our project and have insightful dicussions on supporting SMEs in the energy transition and the challenges they imply.

Our partners at EEIP joined EUSEW for a joint session with sister projects on Paving the way to net-zero energy in industry and small and medium-sized enterprises (panel led from our side by Dusan Jakovljevic, EEIP):

Meanwhile, our colleagues at IEECP had the opportunity to present the project at eceee and dive into the topic of Fostering Energy Efficiency Investments in SMEs: The Multiple Benefits Approach For Energy Audits And Energy Management Systems (presented by Ivan Sangiorgio, IEECP). Ivan presented the audit methodoly applied through case studies as well as the Multiple Benefits approach in Energy Management Systems.

We also presented our research paper at the eceee poster session on Barriers and strategies in the engagement of SMEs in support and research projects on energy efficiency (presented by Axelle Gallerand and Marta Maia, IEECP) which focused on showcasing the barriers and strategies to engagement, co-creation and interaction with SMEs.


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