
Making the efficiency first principle operational

September 2019 - June 2022

Enefirst partners joined forces to bring a comprehensive yet clear and practical definition of the efficiency first principle, to identify policy areas where it can be applied to achieve the highest impact in terms of energy system benefits.

The Horizon 2020-funded project made the efficiency first principle operational in order to better understand its relevance for energy demand and supply and its broader impacts across sectors and markets, focusing on the buildings sector.

Enefirst builds on the principle of Efficiency First (E1st), a fundamental principle applied to policymaking, planning and investment in the energy sector, which is enshrined in EU Clean Energy for All legislation package.

The partners assessed how the concept has been applied internationally and how it applies to the EU context, then assessed the value of applying E1st across different policy areas for buildings end-use energy efficiency and to quantify the impacts of increased building energy efficiency for the future energy system in the EU.

Finally, it identified key policy areas for the application of E1st and developed policy proposals for its implementation in the EU Buildings Sector, by testing those in specific cases.

Project updates

Featured publications

Sep 21, 2022
Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Briefing - Developments in the field of Energy Efficiency First

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Jun 01, 2022
Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle Energy efficiency business models

Transferring global experience of efficiency first to the EU

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Mar 01, 2021
Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Priority areas of implementation of the Efficiency First principle: enefirst report

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Jan 18, 2021
Modelling and quantification Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle Smart building and technologies

Report on international experiences with efficiency first

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Jan 18, 2021
Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Efficiency First is not just another name for energy efficiency: Enefirst defines and contextualizes the principle

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Aug 31, 2020
Multiple benefits and the Efficiency First principle

Barriers to implementing the efficiency first principle

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These present the main barriers and related possible solutions to implementing the E1st principle for each policy approach, as well as the legislative and non-legislative chan...

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