While energy audit obligations are compulsory in many European countries, companies often struggle to adopt their recommendations. The barriers to the implementation of energy-saving measures in companies can be of diverse nature; however, lack of knowledge or internal resources are often referred to as pivotal.
Looking to support companies with overcoming such barriers, the AUDIT TO MEASURE partners offer direct counselling to companies in their countries. This service is provided for free and follows an approach based on the findings of the AUDIT TO MEASURE project.
If you wish to receive counselling from the AUDIT TO MEASURE expert partners, get in contact with a partner in your country:
Δρ Ιωάννα Μακαρούνη
[email protected]
Δρ Στέλιος Λαμπρακόπουλος
[email protected]
Επιμελητήριο Κορινθίας
Πένυ Λάσκα
[email protected]
Alejandro Bernabé
[email protected]
Oficina técnica / ESCAN
Margarita Puente
[email protected]
More details on the counselling to companies may be found in the report D5.1 Report on the internal training workshop and methodology for application of energy efficiency measures.