
newTRENDs policy brief


Consumers and behavioural change
Efficient and resilient energy system


The 2015 Paris Agreement has as the central aim to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping global temperature rise in this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To reach this ambitious goal, two central strategies have to be implemented in all countries: (i) enhancing energy efficiency (EE) and (ii) decarbonizing remaining energy supply and demand, in particular by large penetration of renewable energy sources (RES). Scenarios with different focusses and assumptions have been developed to map this development until 2050. While these scenarios present a major step forward beyond previous modelling approaches, much more progress is necessary. newTRENDs aims to contribute to this progress by identifying relevant trends and improve their modelling based on recent empirical findings. In this context, the project newTRENDs is developing the analytical basis for a “2050 Energy Efficiency Vision” taking into account New Societal Trends in energy demand modelling.

The following report describes IEECP’s strategy when it comes to developing policy recommendations on the work done in the past 2.5 years, with partners providing the input and building from the knowledge produced, and IEECP finalising the policy briefs (post-production, layout and dissemination).


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