
Multilevel governance in the EU energy and climate policy: why it still matters after the submission of the final updated NECPs


Climate planning, adaptation and resilience
Energy governance
Energy planning and mitigation


NECPlatform Policy Brief #2 – Published in September 2024

This policy brief aims to highlight the benefits of multilevel governance processes, specifically the Climate and Energy Dialogues (CED)[1], to meet EU and Member States’ climate and energy targets. It also shows the limits of the current framework provided by Article 11 of the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation (1999/2018) and offers recommendations and inspiration for the European Commission and Member States to better leverage the potential of multilevel governance.

[1] According to Art. 11 of the Governance Regulation, Climate and Energy Dialogues are fora where “local authorities, civil society organisations, business community, investors and other relevant stakeholders and the general public are able actively to engage and discuss” national climate and energy policy


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