One-stop shops (OSSs) are a key part of Europe’s strategy to decarbonize the residential building stock; the recently recast Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) requires member states to establish one-stop shops for every 80,000 inhabitants.
Citizens are at the heart of one-stop-shops implementation: OSSs serve as places where they can seek tailored solutions and advice on home renovation. To be effective, these platforms (virtual or with a desk office) need to have all the essential elements for success.
The LIFE-funded project HORIS is in the process of developing its digital OSS platform and is keen to learn from the experiences of other projects and platforms, to ensure its platform will not only answer home-owner needs but also contain the key elements for success – and longevity!
HORIS has just published its first report on the experiences of one-stop-shop projects in Spain, Italy and Portugal (coinciding with the countries in which HORIS is setting up its platforms). The report, authored by HORIS partner GNE Finance, conducted a series of interviews with several OSSs across the three countries. The scope of services offered by the OSSs varied widely, and the analysis covered: the type of office (in-person, virtual, or hybrid), and the extent of the customer journey provided, including information, advice, decision-making support, processing, and follow-up.
What we learn from the report and is now suggested as key elements for the development of the HORIS platforms:
- Offer personalized guidance,
- Build consumer trust,
- Be a good communicator,
- Provide access to financing options,
- Find local partners,
- Keep up with the tech updates,
- Innovate!
- Invest in a high-quality platform,
- Forge useful alliances with key stakeholders,
- Don’t forget homeowners are at the heart of renovation -engage effectively.
Building upon the success of past OSSs and learning from their experiences is crucial for HORIS to deliver services tailored to each country’s needs. The insights gathered will be applied and help to ensure an improved renovation process for citizens and establish a successful OSS platform for a smooth customer journey and long-term viability.
Read the report to learn in more details the lessons learned from the three countries or discover the key takeaways in this infographic and find out insights from one-stop shops in Spain, Italy and Portugal.